Does Lime Kill Grass?

Does Lime Kill Grass?

Lime is a popular choice for lawn care because it’s relatively inexpensive and it’s easy to find. But does lime actually kill grass? The answer is complicated.

Lime is a naturally occurring mineral composed predominantly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). It is an essential soil amendment that helps increase the pH of acidic soils.

Lime can help improve the availability and uptake of key nutrients needed by plants, such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. It also helps reduce aluminum toxicity in acid soils, which would otherwise make it difficult for plant roots to absorb adequate amounts of these necessary minerals. In addition, lime reduces compaction in clay soils which can result in better drainage and improved aeration.

Does Lime Kill Grass?

The answer is both yes and no. While lime does not directly kill grass, it can be toxic to grass if used in excessive amounts. Lime is a soil amendment that works to raise the pH level of the soil, making it less acidic. This is beneficial for many types of plants, as most prefer slightly alkaline soil. However, too much lime can cause an imbalance in the soil’s nutrients, leading to poor growth or even death in some cases.

If you are considering adding lime to your lawn or garden, it is important to only use amounts recommended by a professional agronomist. Be sure to test the pH levels before and after applying lime so that you can ensure you are not creating an unhealthy environment for your plants.

How to Tell If Your Lawn Needs Lime?

The best way to tell if your lawn needs lime is to get a soil test. A soil test will help you determine the pH level of your soil and indicate whether or not it would benefit from the addition of lime.

Generally, most grasses prefer soils that are slightly acidic, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. If your soil’s pH level is below 6.0 then it is likely that the addition of lime would be beneficial for your lawn. Additionally, you may also want to consider other factors such as drainage, sunlight and water when determining whether or not your lawn needs lime. If you are unsure, it may be a good idea to consult with a professional lawn care expert for advice.

How to Apply Lime to Your Lawn or Garden?

When applying lime to your lawn or garden, the first step is to determine how much lime you need and where it should be applied. Generally, a soil test can help you determine exactly how much lime you need to apply in order to achieve the desired pH level. Once you have determined how much lime is needed, it’s time to start applying it.

The best way to apply lime is to spread it evenly over the lawn or garden using a broadcast spreader or hand-held spreader. It is important to keep the area well hydrated during and after the application of lime in order to help activate it. When you are done, rake the area lightly and water it again for a few minutes to ensure that the lime is distributed evenly throughout the soil.

Finally, monitor your lawn or garden closely after applying lime to make sure that it does not become overly alkaline and cause damage to your plants. If you do notice any signs of damage, reduce or stop applying lime immediately until the issue resolves itself.

How Long Does It Take for Lime to Work on Grass?

Lime takes a few weeks to take effect on grass. It may take from two to four weeks before you can see the positive results of applying lime. During this time, the soil is slowly becoming more alkaline and allowing better nutrient absorption. You should also water your lawn regularly during this time to help the lime work quicker and last longer. With regular watering, you’ll start to see a healthy green hue within 2-4 weeks after application. Additionally, fertilizing your lawn with nitrogen-rich fertilizer right after applying lime will enhance its effectiveness even further.

It’s important to note that different types of soil require different amounts of time for lime to become effective – sandy soils react faster than clay-based soils, for example. It’s also important to note that it will take some time for the lime to break down and become available for the grass to use, so be patient during this period. Ultimately, using the proper amount of lime on your lawn can make a huge difference in how quickly you see results.

When Should You Not Put Lime on Your Lawn? 

You should not put lime on your lawn if the soil’s pH level is already above 7.0. Adding lime to soils with an alkaline pH can cause damage to grass and other plants, and make them unable to absorb the nutrients they need from the soil. Additionally, you should avoid putting lime on newly seeded lawns or gardens as it can impede the germination process. It is also important to avoid applying lime in excess of what is recommended, as this can lead to higher pH levels and damage your turf.

What Happens If I Put Too Much Lime on My Lawn? 

If too much lime is applied to your lawn, it can cause the pH level of the soil to become too high. This can lead to various issues such as turf damage, nutrient deficiency, and a decrease in microbial activity. Additionally, adding too much lime could also make it difficult for plants to absorb certain nutrients from the soil due to the soil’s high pH.

If you have applied too much lime to your lawn, it is important to take corrective action as soon as possible. You can apply gypsum and other acidifying agents to reduce the pH of the soil and help restore balance. Additionally, you may also want to consider adding organic matter such as compost and mulch to your lawn as these can help buffer the pH level of the soil.

How to Use Lime as a Weed Killer?

Lime can be used as a weed killer by creating an alkaline environment that weeds are unable to tolerate. To use lime as a weed killer, mix one part lime with five parts water in a bucket and then spray it on areas where weeds are present. Make sure to avoid spraying it near desirable plants as the high pH of the mixture can burn or kill them.

Lime can also be used to create an inhospitable environment for weeds in other ways. For example, it can be spread over the soil and then tilled into the top few inches of the ground in order to raise the pH level and discourage weed growth. As with any type of herbicide or weed killer, it is important to follow label instructions and safety precautions in order to avoid any potential harm.

Is Lime Safe to Use Around Pets and Children?

Yes, lime is generally safe to use around pets and children if it is used as directed. However, it is important to take certain precautions when using any type of herbicide or weed killer near animals and young children.

Make sure that you read the label instructions for the product carefully before applying it in order to understand any potential risks and follow safety precautions. Additionally, it may be a good idea to keep pets and children away from the area until the product has been fully absorbed and dried.


While you may be hesitant to use lime on your lawn, it can actually be a very effective tool – as long as it is used correctly. Applying too much lime can damage your grass, so it is important to follow the directions on the product label. Used properly, lime will kill weeds and help your grass grow thick and green.