How to Make a Lawn Mower Go 30 MPH

Make a Lawn Mower Go 30 MPH

Making a lawn mower go 30 mph is a task that requires some technical expertise and the use of some innovative modifications.

This article will provide you with an overview of this process, and an outline of the necessary parts and modifications needed in order to raise the speed of your lawn mower from the often low factory default settings up to 30 mph.

This modification will require some dedication and care, as there are a few risks involved and you should therefore not undertake such a task unless you are confident and knowledgeable about what you are doing.

Functional Considerations

Before you begin the modifications to make your lawn mower go 30 mph and beyond, there are some important practical considerations to think about.

The modifications to make a lawn mower faster are only suitable for certain types of mowers and not all models will benefit from such changes. Even if your model is suitable, the increase in speed might have an adverse effect on the mower’s performance, reducing fuel efficiency and braking ability, as well as causing greater wear and tear on the unit.

Therefore, it is not advisable to make your lawn mower go too fast, and you should limit the final speed to no more than 30 mph if you can.

Safety Considerations

In addition to considering the overall performance of your mower, it is also important to consider the potential safety implications of making modifications to increase the mower’s speed.

At higher speeds, the mower is likely to become unstable and more difficult to control, and could result in a crash due to poor handling. Be aware that usually, the higher speed settings are not regulated or tested for safety, and thus represent an additional risk that should be taken under consideration when deciding whether or not to try and make a lawn mower go 30 mph.

Parts and Modifications Needed

Now that you understand the benefits and risks of attempting to make a lawnmower go 30 mph, you should know that there are a few specific parts and modifications required in order to successfully increase the mower’s speed to 30 mph.

The following is an overview of the parts and modifications you will need in order to make your lawnmower go faster.


The first part to consider is the clutch, which is a part that controls the power of the mower. The standard clutch will typically be designed to provide a maximum speed of around 17 mph, so you will need to swap out the clutch with a larger, more powerful one in order to raise the maximum speed. Larger clutches are often sold with the designation “Racing” or “High performance”, which can provide up to 30 mph or even more.

Fuel Supply

The next part to consider is the fuel supply, which is the part that stores and delivers fuel from the tank and into the engine. You will need to modify or replace the fuel supply with a larger and more powerful one, as the standard size is typically limited to about 15 mph. Larger fuel supplies can provide up to 30 mph, or even more.

Air Filter

The air filter is the part which removes any dirt and dust from the air entering the engine, as well as regulating the temperature and pressure. In order to make the mower faster, you will need to swap out your old air filter with a new and more powerful version that can provide up to 30 mph or more.

Spark Plugs

The spark plugs are what ignites the fuel in the engine, and therefore provide the power for the mower. In order to make a lawn mower go 30 mph, it is recommended to swap out the old spark plugs for new, higher performance ones that can provide the necessary spark to provide more power.


Finally, the last factor to consider when attempting to increase the speed of a lawn mower to 30 mph is the tires. The standard tires on most mowers are designed to provide a maximum speed of around 17 mph, so in order to raise this speed to 30 mph you will need to swap out your old tires for a new, higher performance set. Be aware that higher performance tires can be quite expensive, and therefore you must take this under consideration when contemplating the risk and rewards of this modification.

Bottom Line

Making a lawn mower go 30 mph is a task that requires some technical expertise and special modifications. This article has provided you with an overview of this process, and a list of the necessary parts and modifications needed to raise the speed of a mower from its typically low factory settings up to 30 mph. It is important to consider